Friday, December 10, 2010

AMBY Baby Hammock our first son was a baby he was awake every hour for months and months. We were desperate to find a way to help him learn to sooth himself without leaving him to cry. When someone suggested the Amby bed that Dr. sears recommends for babies struggling to sleep well we decided we had nothing to lose and ordered it from the company. Our six month old went from waking 8-10 times a night to waking twice the first night we tried it. By the time he was seven months old he was sleeping 12 straight hours in it. We transitioned him to a crib again at 13 months and he continued to sleep through.
I believe it works so well because it keeps the baby in an semi upright position more similar to a fetal position, gas and reflux were not an issue any longer and he was more comfortable. When the baby stirs it triggers light movement of the hammock that lulls the baby back to sleep without waking fully and they are not reliant on constant motion like a swing and so can transition out of it easier.
I was saddened to hear of the recall of this amazing product however like with every baby product if it is used correctly it is safe. The company does sell products that aid in using it safely here  but we used it without an issue with our two babies making certain we were using it correctly and moving them out of it when they tried to climb out. They also slept close to us.
We are sad to see it go but we are offering it at  half price to another tired family who could use it!
It is in the natural colour. 


(This is not my picture, but it is the same colour in the natural cotton and same style).

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